In celebration of Mother's Day, join us on April 26th at 4pm at True North for our Family Volunteer Event. We will pack Mother's Day Gift Bags filled with fun items for moms living in local shelters. 🌸
All ages welcome! Let us know you are coming and RSVP with your name and number of people.
Do you want to help and donate NEW items for our Mother's Day Gift Bags?! 💐
DONATION DRIVE: April 14-26th
DROP OFF LOCATIONS: True North (166 E Prospect, Danville) or Porch Drop Off (1333 Laverock Lane, Alamo).
We are collecting the following NEW items: lip gloss. small hand lotion, sheet mask, nail polish, jewelry item. 🌷
MONETARY DONATION: A donation of $40 will fill a Mother's Day Gift bag. USE this link
Thank you in advance for your support! 🌼